Pursuing a Negligent Security Claim in Georgia After Getting Shot or Assaulted at an Apartment Complex

When a person gets shot or assaulted at an apartment complex, they’re thrust into a whirlwind of negativity and pain. To add to the misery, they get stuck with tens of thousands of dollars in medical bills and emergency medical treatment. Additionally, folks often have to miss work because of gunshot wounds while they heal and recover.

However, a gunshot victim or the gunshot victim’s family may have rights to pursue compensation under Georgia law. Namely, if a landlord or owner negligently failed to implement proper security measures in a location where there’s violent crime, the victim may be able to pursue a negligent security claim.

Ultimately, Georgia law says that property owners, including those of apartment complexes, have a legal obligation to ensure the safety and security of their premises for residents and guests. When they fail to do that, and someone gets hurt as a result, they may be held liable for their negligent actions or inactions. So, let’s talk more about negligent security claims in Georgia.

Understanding Negligent Security

Negligent security is a legal term that arises from a property owner's failure to provide reasonable security measures and, as a consequence, a person gets injured or killed. Examples of inadequate security might include things like broken gates, insufficient lighting, lack of security personnel, or faulty surveillance systems.

What Is Considered Negligent Security at an Apartment Complex?

Negligent security at an apartment complex is a grave concern in Georgia because it leaves residents and visitors vulnerable to preventable crimes. Picture this: dimly lit pathways, no security personnel or surveillance cameras in sight, faulty locks on doors and windows, and a lackluster response to security threats. It's a recipe for disaster, and folks are injured or killed far too often because of inadequate security at apartment complexes.

If you find yourself victimized by such negligence, an apartment negligent security lawyer in Georgia can be your guiding light. These legal professionals know the ins and outs of premises liability and how to hold property owners accountable for their failure to ensure adequate safety measures. By proving negligence in upholding reasonable security standards, your lawyer can help you seek the compensation you deserve for the injuries and losses suffered.

Examples of Negligent Security at an Apartment Complex

Curious about what constitutes negligent security in an apartment complex in Georgia? Let's delve into real-life examples that vividly illustrate its various forms. Below is a list of common scenarios that could result in violent criminal attacks on apartment premises:

📹 Lack of surveillance or security cameras.

👮‍♂️ Absence of security personnel on site.

🔦 Poor lighting in parking lots, hallways, and common areas.

🔓 Broken locks on doors and windows of apartments.

🚪 Unsecured entrances and exits, inviting non-residents.

🚧 Faulty or broken entrance gate, granting easy access.

🙉 Ignoring tenants' complaints about drugs, prostitution, or suspicious activities.

When apartment complexes neglect security measures against foreseeable attacks, people suffer injuries or even lose their lives. Property owners failing to address known or foreseeable issues that increase the risk of criminal attacks are equally responsible. In many cases, lax security is brought to the attention of apartment complex employees and management long before tragedy strikes. Yet, due to apathy or cost-cutting motives, these issues are often left unattended, compromising the safety of residents and guests. That's where an apartment negligent security lawyer in Georgia steps in to help victims of violent crimes seek justice.

Collecting Evidence

Gathering evidence is a crucial step. This may involve documenting the scene, collecting witness statements, and obtaining any available surveillance footage. It is also important to show that there was a foreseeable risk of crime, which the property owner neglected, and this can often be proven by gathering crime data in the area around the apartment complex.

How Do You Win a Negligent Security Lawsuit?

To win a negligent security lawsuit, the plaintiff (the person bringing the lawsuit) must establish the key elements of negligence including the following:

  1. Duty of Care: The plaintiff must prove that the property owner or manager had a duty to provide reasonable security measures to protect invitees on the property.

  2. Breach of Duty: The plaintiff must prove that the property owner or manager breached this duty of care by failing to provide reasonable security measures that would have prevented the harm.

  3. Causation: The plaintiff must prove that the breach of duty caused the harm suffered, meaning that if reasonable security measures had been in place, the harm would not have occurred.

  4. Damages: The plaintiff must prove that they suffered damages as a result of the harm, such as medical expenses, lost wages, or emotional distress.

In order to prove these elements, the plaintiff will typically need to gather and present evidence, such as witness statements, security reports, and crime statistics for the area. An expert witness may also be needed to testify about what constitutes reasonable security measures for a particular type of property or location. TIME IS NOT ON YOUR SIDE! Evidence will disappear, witness will forget or be “unfound”, video evidence may become “unsaved” you need to act quickly to preserve this important information

It is important to note that each case is unique, and the specific elements that must be proven will vary depending on the circumstances. However, by proving these key elements, a plaintiff can establish that the property owner or manager was negligent in providing reasonable security measures and can win a negligent security lawsuit.

Seeking Legal Counsel

Engaging a personal injury attorney that handles negligent security and premises liability claims can be vital to a successful outcome. A lawyer will help navigate Georgia’s complex legal system, build a strong case, and advocate for the compensation you deserve for medical expenses, lost wages, and pain and suffering.

Do You Need a Georgia Negligent Security Attorney?

If you’ve been the victim of a violent criminal attack on the property of a business in Georgia, like a hotel, motel, apartment complex, restaurant, gas station, convenience store, bar, club, or mall, you should speak with an experienced Georgia negligent security lawyer as soon as possible because you may be entitled to compensation. No matter where you are in the State of Georgia, you can contact us online at www.kirkbridelaw.com or you can call our Fayetteville Georgia law office at (678) 719-0331 to schedule your consultation. You don't pay anything unless we recover money for you, and we offer free consultations, so a call is risk-free to you.

Disclaimer: Nothing in this article is meant to be a guarantee of results. Past case results do not guarantee future case results. Each case is unique. The information in this article has been gathered from various sources on the internet. Thus, we cannot guarantee there are no inaccuracies herein. We can and will correct or remove this post upon request. You can email us at contact@kirkbridelaw.com Finally, the information contained in this article is not meant to be legal advice in any way. If you have legal questions, you should contact an attorney.  CONTACT US NOW:


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