Tom Kirkbride Tom Kirkbride

Look Twice, Save a Life: A Springtime Reminder for All Drivers

As the chill of winter melts away and the gentle warmth of spring unfolds, our streets start buzzing with more motorcycles. The allure of open roads, the exhilarating sense of freedom, and the intimate connection with the surroundings that comes with riding a motorcycle are unparalleled. Yet, this seasonal shift also signals an essential period for motorcyclists and vehicle drivers alike to cultivate a heightened sense of road safety and vigilance. "Look Twice, Save a Life" goes beyond being merely a catchy phrase; it embodies a vital habit that can drastically lower the risk of accidents and preserve lives.

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Tom Kirkbride Tom Kirkbride

Navigating the Aftermath: A Guide to Handling Rideshare Incidents

Transportation Network Companies (TNCs) like Rideshare like Uber, Lyft and Via have revolutionized the way we travel, offering convenience and flexibility unmatched by traditional transportation methods. However, accidents and unexpected incidents can occur, leaving riders unsure of the steps to take next. If you find yourself injured or assaulted during a rideshare journey, it's crucial to know how to document the incident, seek medical attention, and protect your legal rights. #kirkbridelaw

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Tom Kirkbride Tom Kirkbride

Pursuing a Negligent Security Claim in Georgia After Getting Shot or Assaulted at an Apartment Complex

When a person gets shot at an apartment complex, they’re thrust into a whirlwind of negativity and pain. To add to the misery, they get stuck with tens of thousands of dollars in medical bills and emergency medical treatment. Additionally, folks often have to miss work because of gunshot wounds while they heal and recover.

However, a gunshot victim or the gunshot victim’s family may have rights to pursue compensation under Georgia law. Namely, if a landlord or owner negligently failed to implement proper security measures in a location where there’s violent crime, the victim may be able to pursue a negligent security claim.

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Tom Kirkbride Tom Kirkbride

IA vs HR Investigations

In the realm of workplace investigations, the distinction between a public safety agency's administrative internal affairs investigation and a Human Resources (HR) investigation of sexual harassment or a hostile work environment can be significant. Both processes are crucial for maintaining integrity, ensuring safety, and upholding the rights of all involved parties. However, the nuances of each approach—stemming from their objectives, legal frameworks, and procedural intricacies—require careful consideration. This post delves into the similarities and differences between these two types of investigations, emphasizing the importance of due process, and how local policies, as well as state and federal laws, play a role in shaping outcomes.

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